

Gestra TRV 5-40溫度傳感器-福斯Flowserve

品牌: Gestra TRV溫度傳感器-福斯Flowserve
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-03-31 22:24
瀏覽次數: 442
Gestra TRV 5-40溫度傳感器-福斯Flowserve

The temperature transmitter TRV 5-40 is designed for the connection of three temperature sensors TRG 5-6x.

The temperatures measured by the temperature sensors are converted by the temperature transmitter TRV 5-40 and sent to the CAN bus in the form of a data telegram. The data are transferred via CAN bus, using the CANopen protocol.
The temperature transmitter TRV 5-40 can be used as safety temperature monitor / limiter in conjunction with a temperature sensor type TRG 5-6x and the control unit NRS 1-40.1 / NRS 1-40.2 and temperature monitor and limiter in conjunction with one or two temperature sensors TRG 5-6x and the control unit TRS 5-40 or any other equipment that is approved for this application.
The equipment combination can be used for monitoring, limiting or control purposes in steam plants and (pressurized) hot water installations according to TRD and EN 12952 and EN 12953.


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